Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday with the Food Network

Today's Stats:

Distance: 2.55 mi.
Time: 28:30
Average Pace: 11:20

(And now there's internet evidence on how slow I am - last time I was 20 seconds slower)

It was supposed to be 3 miles, but my body just wasn't up to it. I had to take a break after 1.15 miles, a walking break, then stopped after 2 miles to run on the track. Today was the first time I ran off the track. It's hard not to get too down on myself, especially after reading that people ran 8 miles after a month of training (it's been about a month now), but I keep trying to remind myself that 2.55 is a lot! I mean, it's a lot more than other people are running -- and running some is better than not running at all!

I've just now started following a training plan that I read at the back of Bart Yasso's book. It's less running per week than I was doing, but I think that's a good thing. Since I've started strength training, I have more I can do the other days.

Other than eating, I've been spending the day as I have been: reading blogs and watching movie/TV. The Food Network has been on for the past couple of hours.

But I will be going out tonight! A friend of mine has a small going away party that I'll be going to. I don't know why it's on a Sunday night -- not that the day of the week matters much to me.

I'm also quite tired today. I tried taking a nap earlier, but that didn't work. Perhaps I'll try again, so I don't fall asleep after I get to the gathering.


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