Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Reunited, and it feels so good....

Yesterday, while I was picking up Turkey Hill decaf diet iced tea (there was only one half-gallon left!), I happened to spy....OKRA! Finally! Of course Whole Foods wouldn't have it (there it was locally grown!), but ShopRite would. Hopefully I can find a place near my apartment when I get back that has them regularly.

And so I made okra fries with my dinner! I also had some yellow squash, zucchini, onion, and feta cheese for part one of my dinner. Part two consisted of a salad and a slice of bread.

People either have no idea what okra is, or they think it's slimy and disgusting. Obviously they have never made okra fries! I bought enough for two different meals.

I should also point out that I have a slight obsession with squash. It's just soooo good! I tend to put a lot of pepper on it, but this time I waited to put some on after I cooked it, because my mom doesn't an epic amount of pepper on hers. Though she says she's getting used to having me home to cook meals. Surprisingly she's never sauteed squash before! I told her it's the easiest thing -- but she may miss my omlete-making more. :)

My cat decided to join my laptop on my make-shift desk//tray, conveniently placed in the living room. I also caught him drinking out of my glass of water this morning! Silly thing! Luckily after 11 years, my dog no longer tries to steal food...except for the pieces of lettuce that dropped on the floor yesterday. Though he wouldn't eat the red lettuce. He left that on the living room floor.

I bought a small green container, with a fold-up spoon/fork - not a spork - that I can't wait to use to bring my lunch/snack in between classes.

In other news, last week I went to work with my mom, and helped stuff 844 envelopes with schedules and introduction letters to the parents of 5th and 6th graders. My mom moved from an elementary school to the brand new 5th/6th grade school. It's so new that it's still a construction site -- I'm one of the lucky ones to get one of the first looks inside! For about 3 hours, I was stuffing on my own. I thought that it was silly for the secretaries to spend hours stuffing envelopes while they had other work to do. The envelopes had to be sent out that day. After a while, they came to help me. I stuffed over 350 of them myself. I was doing this completely voluntarily - but yesterday my mom came home with an envelope from the principle. She was so grateful for my help that she gave me a thank you card and gift cards! Seeing them, I though it would be for $10/$15 dollars -- but she gave me a Starbucks card for $25(!!) and one for Panera Bread ($30!!!). I feel like I should write her a thank you card for the thank you card!

Today I plan to do some outlines/planning, in preparation for the last semester and grad school applications. Fun fun!


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